Breaking Spaghetti
Short story
Short story
The physical process of fragmentation is relevant to many areas of science and technology. Because different physical phenomena are at work, the fragmentation of solid bodies has mainly been studied from a statistical viewpoint. Nevertheless a growing number of works have included physical considerations: surface energy contributions, nucleation and growth properties of the fracture process, elastic buckling, and stress wave propagation.
Here we focus on the quasi-static fragmentation of brittle elastic rods. Our main purpose is to understand why brittle rods (like dry spaghetti) break into many fragments — and not simply
in half — when bent beyond their rupture curvature.

Elastic model. We used the Kirchhoff equations for elastic rods to study
the dynamics of the rod in this catapult geometry. When released, the rod follows three regimes successively: (1) the released end quickly straightens up at short times, giving birth to a burst of flexural waves that (2) travel along the rod to the clamped end and (3) are amplified by reflexions on the opposite (clamped) edge.

This behavior is described analytically by a self-similar solution with no adjustable parameter, whose relevance has been confirmed by numerical integration of the dynamic Kirchhoff equations.

Conclusion :We have shown that releasing an elastic brittle rod from a bent configuration is sufficient to make it break. This counter-intuitive result explains why brittle rods break in several pieces when bent beyond their limit curvature: a first breaking occurs when the curvature exceeds its limit value in some place, after which, as described above, flexural waves travel along the two newly formed halves of the rod, where they locally increase the curvature further. This increase leads to new breakings that give rise to new travelling waves, and a cascade mechanism can take place.
Isso é real!!!
P.s: bem que eu tentei traduzir o texto, mas vocês conhecem o quanto meu inglês e os tradutores online são excelentes.
5 comentários:
acho que o povo não entendeu direito
vou tentar dar uma(traduzida)=P
mas tem lógica... /P
tá mudada, hein Loreninha!?
to precisando d uma aula de ingles com vc
Eu amei o texto, achei super interessante.
E olha q nem sou muito chegada na Física.
Loira, que bom!
ainda bem que você entendeu
porque eu, devo confessar que nao entendi nada.
sinceridade é tudo.
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